Archive: Strange Behavior with MUI_PAGE_HEADER_TEXT

Strange Behavior with MUI_PAGE_HEADER_TEXT

I hope you can help me... I've build my first installer with NSIS. It's a great tool, but there is some strange behavior with MUI_PAGE_HEADER_TEXT at the instfiles-Page that I do not understand.
The error has to be in these two lines:

!define MUI_PAGE_HEADER_TEXT "Testinstaller Version 2"

(after that I define the FINISH_PAGE with
!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_TITLE "Installation completed"

So, when the files are being copied, the text "Testinstaller Version 2" is shown correctly. But when the copy process is over (but the dialog is still the same), the text disappears. (The other difference in the Dialog is, that the Cancel-Button gets inactive and the next-Button gets active, but that is of course okay).
Do I have to add something? I could not find any hint in the documentation.
I'm using NSIS Version 2.43.

Does anybody know about this behavior? How can I fill the field again?

thanks in advance
Mr Zylinder

Use MUI_INSTFILESPAGE_FINISHHEADER_TEXT and MUI_INSTFILESPAGE_FINISHHEADER_SUBTEXT to set the text that appears once the installation is finished.

Yes, that's it! Thank you!!!