Archive: How to create an installer for an active desktop

How to create an installer for an active desktop

I just started working with nsis a few days ago, because I needed a customizable installer for an active desktop I made in flash. Making an installer that copies my files in the right folder is easy, but how do I tell windows to use my active desktop as current desktop with the installer?

Thanks for your help.
But please note that AD not works on Vista.

Thank you, but I'm afraid that I'm such a noob that I don't understand this script. Is there any better explanation of this active desktop stuff or a script were I just have to insert my files?
I don't wanna destroy my system by a stupid mistake.

IMHO good AD installer should have many features (like this application http://ineum.narod******mgr_en.htm :) why it hides "ru" domain ?). First it must check your page is not installed yet to prevent duplicated AD items. Then add pages if they are currently absent. Enable your page item if it presents but was disabled by customer (correct feature during re-install). Disable all other AD items (aliens :( ). Remove your AD items on uninstall.
So I guess plug-in would be better and simpler descision then NSIS script. But I don't see such plug-in here (and I don't have time now to write it). If you installs some executables, you can add code (I described above) to your application and execute it on first launch.