Archive: Help with download plugin!

Help with download plugin!
When I use the download plugin for my installer, it will download the file fine. But if I uninstall the program and run the same installer again, or on another computer, it will skip the download and do the rest of the installation normally. What's going on?

Maybe you should post your script over here so we could check out what's wrong, shouldn't you :) ?

Section "MainSection" SEC01
MessageBox MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_YESNO|MB_DEFBUTTON2 "Do you want to download the extra file?" IDNO +3
NSISdl::download $INSTDIR\Theme.mp3
CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\TVC Browser Theme.lnk" "$INSTDIR\Theme.mp3"

Is this section selectable (can it be unchecked) . Maybe you forgot to check the option while installing it no another computer? Sounds strange, I know :) ...and btw couldn't you post whole script so it would be easier to detect the problem.

I just fixed it. I put the downloader script as the last lines of the MainSection, instead of the first lines.