Archive: MessageBox after language selection but before welcome-screen

MessageBox after language selection but before welcome-screen

I want to check wheather my software is installed already. is that's the case a message (yesNo) should be displayed that informs the user that he should deinstall first or ignore that.

The problem is, when displaying that message in on.Init there has not been any language selection window already.

How can I solve that problem :( ?

Thanks in forward.

Bye Defcon0

Move the message into .onGuiInit function.

When I add

Function .onGuiInit

Messagebox MB_ICONSTOP|MB_OK "Text1_GER"
MessageBox MB_ICONSTOP|MB_OK "Text1_ENG"


before my .onInit Function it says:

Error: Function named ".onGuiInit" already exists.

you are using the modern ui or something that has taken over that function, read the MUI docs to get the name of the define you need to use