Archive: Embedding web forms

Embedding web forms
Is there anyway to embed a web form into the MUI. Our current installation requires a secure signup which we do by loading ie and wait for an exit code to complete the installation. It looks a bit disjointed as there are multiple pages open. I’ve looked through the plug-ins but nothing seems to fit. I’m sure there’s a way of maybe passing text to a webpage. We are looking for something like the skype signup as a starting point.

Create a custom page using nsDialogs and send web requests using InetC.

If you must use a web form, you can use the nsWeb plugin.


Thanks. That’s working great but its created a new problem. On our form it requires a user to complete a signup and then submit the form. Is there a way to stop the installer continuing until it receives an exit code from the page closing or linking the submit button on the form to the next button?

using NSdialogs to create a custome signup page. Im passing the results to a config file and nsweb plugin which is all working fine . I'm unable to modify the form and it has a submit button embeded. is there way to force the next button on the installer to interact with the submit button on the form. Once the form has been submitted it returns a new web page "thankyou for signing up". I tried removing the next button and using the Onchange to force the button to only be usable once the reply has come back but can't get this working. Am I looking at this in the wrong way or has anyone done something similar.

If nsWeb has events then you can navigate to a special URL (such as submit:blah) and catch that in the event. I think the nsWeb plugin is rather limited though so you may have to do your web form in nsDialogs and send the request via inetc.


thnaks. Do you know where i could get an example of creating a web form/page in nsdialogs and posting this using inetc. I have checked and I can send an exit code from the database if the signup completes, which is a good thing... The other issue I have is that the signup is using https. Is this going to be a resriction with intetc?

There is plenty of examples out there for creating dialogs with nsDialogs. Also posting data with inetc is well documented on the plugin page - it will require some web executable on an HTTP server of course.
