Archive: NSIS 2.17 and Vista problems

NSIS 2.17 and Vista problems

i'm having weird problem.

When i create startmenu shortcuts in Vista during installation it goes well, but when i try to remove shortcuts during uninstallation it doesn't remove startmenu items.

So what's the problem?

My installation code for creating start menu shortcut looks like:

!define startmenu "$SMPROGRAMS\${company}\${prodname}_${version}"
CreateShortCut "${startmenu}\FinishInstallation.lnk" "$INSTDIR\FinishInstallation.exe"

and uninstall code for the same item looks like:

Delete /REBOOTOK "${startmenu}\FinishInstallation.lnk"

Is there some compatibility issues with Vista when using SMPROGRAMS variable?

Tnx in advance