Archive: MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES error with makensisw V2.3

MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES error with makensisw V2.3
Hello, I am compiling scripots since long ago with NSIS. Now a rather basic older script (just updated the files inside) doesn't compile any more, I think due to the fact I've updated NSIS. The message comes as he's trying to process the 'MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES' as follows, eventhough before it went straight thru. Is that Macro not compatible any more?

!insertmacro: MUI_PAGE_LICENSE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_PAGE_LICENSE
!insertmacro: MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES
Usage: WriteRegStr rootkey subkey entry_name new_value_string
Error in macro MUI_LANGDLL_SAVELANGUAGE on macroline 7
Error in macro MUI_FUNCTION_INSTFILESPAGE on macroline 20
Error in macro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES on macroline 17
Error in script "G:\Edge550\Edge550 software\Software V1.33.nsi" on line 28 -- aborting creation process

I hope someone can help (btw. using the same script on Vista and W2K doesn't change anything on makensisw V1.33). I don't have any older version to doublecheck.

Cheers, Alex

Seems like one of your LANGDLL defines contain bad information about the registry location where you want to save the used language.