Archive: detail view / log window - adding lines within SetDetailsPrint none?

detail view / log window - adding lines within SetDetailsPrint none?
For a chunk of my code I want to print my own messages, but not any of the auto-generated ones.

So I thought of using 'SetDetailsPrint none' to disable output, and use 'DetailPrint "<string>"' to print my own.

Of course, 'SetDetailsPrint none' prevents manual 'DetailPrint' commands from being printed as well.

So I've got two options.. enabled just before my DetailPrint, disable just after.

Or... and that's where I'm hoping there's another option, but I'm going to guess that it will involve the System plugin, creating an LVITEM struct instance and passing that as an LVM_INSERTITEM message argument.

Any thoughts? I can live with the enable/disable yoyo'ing - just checking for a cleaner solution.

I don't think there's a cleaner solution. Just use a macro?


Originally posted by Afrow UK
I don't think there's a cleaner solution. Just use a macro
Yep, that's what I'm doing.

for the curious;

!macro myDetailPrint str
SetDetailsPrint both
DetailPrint "${str}"
SetDetailsPrint lastused
!define myDetailPrint `!insertmacro myDetailPrint`

SetDetailsPrint none
${myDetailPrint} "Hello world"
SetDetailsPrint both