Archive: Build preinstaller

Build preinstaller
I would like to build preinstaller which at the start will automatically (without clicking anything) unpack some files in temp directory showing the progress bar and then run the right installer and close himself. Is it possible in nsis? The problem is that I don’t know haw can I make the installer to show the progress bar during unpacking (the rest is rather easy for me).
Chris Z.

You can use custom UI for that. NSIS wiki already has one UI like this.

If you want build your own UI and don't how, you can use Resource Hacker to modify existing UI files.


This is exactly what I need

One more thing, do You know how to remove "cancel" and "close" buttons from the installator

GetDlgItem $R0 $HWNDPARENT 2
ShowWindow $R0 ${SW_HIDE}

Should go in .onGUIInit (or if using MUI, define one with MUI_CUSTOMFUNCTION_GUIINIT).


It realy works, thanks a lot.