Archive: Adding file version to output exe in ResHack destroys unistaller.exe icon

Adding file version to output exe in ResHack destroys unistaller.exe icon

Does somebody know how to resolve this issue:

I've generated output exe file of my new installer (from .nsi script file). My installer has an uninstaller icon. Everything works just fine.


I want't to have a file version info in my setup exe file so I'm using ResHack to add this resource (File version) to my installer.

"ResHacker.exe" -add "setup.exe", "setup_new.exe", "setup_version.res" ,,,

After that i have all file information in exe that I need (new tab in file properties dialog), but there are two problems:

1. CRC error after running my installer (resolved by CRCCheck off option)

2. After the installation my uninstall.exe has no icon!!

Anyone know a way of adding file version to an output exe that doesn't destroy an unistaller icon?


You can use VIAddVersionKey and VIProductVersion commands in your script to add version information to your installer with.


Thank you Sir - works like a charm!! :D