Archive: StrTok problem

StrTok problem
Hi all,

please help, i don't understand how to use StrTok.

I have this report in my log:

!insertmacro: FUNCTION_STRING_StrTok
!insertmacro: macro "FUNCTION_STRING_StrTok" requires 0 parameter(s), passed 4
!Error in script "C:/Documents and Settings/Administrateur/Mes documents/workspace/Installers/src/dist/xindoc.nsi" on line 1362 -- aborting creation process

i have this in my code:

!include StrFunc.nsh
${StrTok} "1" $0 " ," "This is, or is not, just an example"

Someone can help me ?

i found how to do...

I needed some declaration:


but now in my log i have a error in "strfunc.nsh" in line 23
!define: "FALSE" already defined!

someone ???

Inside strfunc.nsh there's a definition for FALSE on line 25... If you have another definition for it, try using !undef then !define again... or it might be some other script.