Archive: parsing xml

parsing xml
I need to parse the contents of an xml file at runtime. Actually, I just need to parse the contents of a single line. The tag only exists once in the file, so I don't need to work down through nested nodes, just need to find the text in the file, preferably ignoring whitespace and newlines, as I can't be sure whether the newlines are form-feed only (as per xml spec) or windows' form-feed\newline combo and I don't know if there how many spaces, etc there are between things.

The line looks like this:

<AppStart workingdir="param1" cmd="param2">param3</AppStart>

or it might not have workingdir specified, so it might be:

<AppStart cmd="param1">param2</AppStart>

So I just need to get the parameters out of that line, regardless of where it is in the file. Any help?

Basically, I'm looking for something similar to !searchparse except at runtime, i.e.

!searchparse '<AppStart ` UNPARSEDPARAM1 ` cmd="` PARAM2 `">` param3 `</AppStart>'

StrCmp ${UNPARSEDPARAM1} "" +2
!searchparse ${UNPARSEDPARAM1} 'workingdir="` PARAM1 `"'

just, replace !searchparse with a runtime alternative. I could figure out how to get just this line, probably with FileReadFromEnd, so I can treat the line as a string, I just need to parse it.

Ok, so I've managed to get the line as a string and trim all whitespace and newline characters. So take the above line as a string stored as a variable, and I'm still looking for an easy alternative to !searchparse at runtime... I get the feeling it's going to somehow use WordFind, but I just don't understand the documentation for it :(