Archive: Set GroupBox background color

Set GroupBox background color
  I am wanting to change the background colour for a GroupBox I created with nsDialogs.

I am using this code to try and achieve this (set the background to white).

${NSD_CreateGroupBox} 190u 30u 110u 100u "Plugins:"

>Pop $0
SendMessage$0 EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR 0 "255 255 255"
Can someone please tell me where I have gone wrong and what I need to do to set the background colour.

I also tried SetCtlColors but that didn't work, it just changed the colour of the text and the background of that text on the group box.

You have to use SetCtlColors. If it doesn't work then it's probably down to XP visual styles.


Thanks for the reply.


>Pop $0
SetCtlColors$0 0x000000 0xFFFFFF
Would that be correct to set a white background colour?

If so then it must be the XP thing as you said.

Try redrawing the control:


Thanks for that, I will see if I can get that working.