Archive: Enable Next button

Enable Next button
Hi All,

i am new to Nullsoft and i am trying the following code:

Page custom InstallTypePageCreate InstallTypePageLeave
!define MUI_LICENSEPAGE_RADIOBUTTONS_TEXT_ACCEPT "I Agree to the license agreement."
!define MUI_LICENSEPAGE_RADIOBUTTONS_TEXT_DECLINE "I do not Agree to the license agreement."
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "$(license_txt)"

The problem with above code is that the Next button is disabled unless the "I Agree ..." option is selected. I wish this button to be enabled even when the "I do not ..." option is selected.

Is there a way..? any help on this would highly appreciated.

many thanks

The whole point of the checkbox is exactly that. If you want the button to always be enabled, don't use the checkbox.

Radio Button not checkbox

just to take your attention towards the control ie. radio buttons not checkbox, where-in any single option could be selected at any given point in time. Based on this selection, appropriate page will displayed next.

many thanks