Archive: Inetc::put ... What's wrong?

Inetc::put ... What's wrong?

  ReadRegStr$3 HKLM "System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ActiveComputerName" "ComputerName"

StrCpy $1 $3 4 3
:: put "ftp://&&&&&:^^^^^^@&&&&&&.**********.com" "$TEMP\$3flog.txt"
Pop $0
MessageBox MB_OK "Upload Status: $0$\n$TEMP\$3flog.txt"
now, I know the ftp user/info is 100% correct, it's copied from another ftp client which it was working on fully.

I know the file path is correct and everything. The return reports back "Connecting...".. not sure what's wrong any help would be very appreciated

&& I know the inetc:: and put have a space in between. it's to prevent that stupid html smiley code from showing

I re-tested Inetc ftp put in 2008.09.01 version and this works for me. In my LAN :). 'Connecting' may appear if program locked by Windows firewall (and no responce).

I have post problems with inetc as well.
I cannot get BANNER or CAPTION to display and in the
narrow text bar above the main window, I cannot get "inetc plug-in" to go away.
Also, progress bar just goes about 25% of way and stops.
And, is there a way to write text strings to the main window?
Would much appreciate your help as I have been fooling with this for hours.

behavior true for both of these
inetc::post /BANNER "dd" "" "http://localhost/DBtest.aspx?license=$SN" "$R7" /end

inetc::get /BANNER "dd" "$3" "$R7" /end

First parameter for POST is string you want send as http body in this request. And /BANNER option should have one parameter only. Probably you had in mind

inetc:post "dd" /BANNER "" "http://localhost/DBtest.aspx?license=$SN" "$R7" /end
where $R7 is local file name. Also good idea is to get plug-in exit code (Pop in plug-in samples).
If my memory don't fail me, current version of plug-in not writes to main window. You can do this before calling the plug-in using DetailPrint.
Included Example.nsi has working /caption sample - you can test it and write similar code.

Thanks, Takhir.
That did improve things on the post.
Should have tried that variation.
However, both the popup dialog and the title above the empty text area of the page continue to have "inetc plug-in" written. How do i replace this?

Got that to work.
I can see know that some of the problems I had earlier in this process were due to errors in my installer, particularly where things were postioned in the sequence.

Using both CAPTION and BANNER settings: working.
But still need to get rid of "show details" button.
Also, even tho ShowInstDetails is set to 'hide' in installer settings, one of the detail lines shows up as a title above main window, in the area the caption should be, upon completion, along with "show details" button.

I set the HTTP body string to "tst". I don't know what this is for. My purpose for the post is merely to verify a license and rtn a file.
What it is used for in this case?

inetc::post "tst" /CAPTION "Verify...." /BANNER "Verifying license....." "http://localhost/DBtest.aspx?license=$SN" "$R7" /end

inetc::get /CAPTION "Completing...." /BANNER "Downloading files....." "$3" "$R7" /end

Hello again.
Show Details button was still there since setting 'hide' in ShowInstDetails does NOT hide the button. For that, you need 'nevershow'.
But I still have 2 questions:
Why is one of the detail lines showing up in caption after 'get' execution and what is the purpose of the HTTP body string in inetc post (no colons to avoid nauseous smiley)
when you are doing verify type operation?
Since you can use query variables?

First of all I don't understand why you have 2 requests. And you don't need POST request if there is nothing to send to server in HTTP body (but sometimes this really need ;) ), just use GET request instead. From my point of view you can use the only GET string both for license verification and files download (if server can verify license and send files as a reply to verification request).
You are right, if 'ShowDetails' button is hidden might be better to supress plug-in output to 'details'. I'll fix this in next release.

I need both post and get since i am doing a 2-step process of verify and custom zip/enc pkg creation on server.

So, Takhir, is there a way to suppress detail info from showing in Caption area of page?
This occurs when I use ExecWait on my unzip/decrypt EXE's, after intec is done.
The Dos box shows up (empty) but with title bar showing exe path.
On the caption of page is shown entire command line string.
So I would like to stop the display of the cmd line string in the caption window (where inetc displays caption when running).
Nothing else is showing now and details button is off since I am using ShowInstDetails nevershow.

so no idea why my script isn't working? I do not have windows or any other firewall running. any help would be appreciated.