Archive: How to add custom strings in language file?

How to add custom strings in language file?
I'm having difficulties defining custom string from custom pages in 2 different languages (english and japanese).

For example I'm using .ini files for defining some pages and i don't know how to add custom japanese text. It shows me an error when i'm trying to use shift-jis coded japanese letters in main .nsi file.

LangString note_install ${LANG_ENGLISH} "NOTE: Installation folder name MUST NOT include spaces."
LangString note_install ${LANG_JAPANESE} "’Ť�Ó�F�C�“�X�g�[�‹‚·‚é�t�H�‹�_–Ľ‚É‚Í�X�y�[�X‚đÅ_Ü‚ß‚Č‚˘‚ʼnş‚ł‚˘�B"
!define MUI_DIRECTORYPAGE_TEXT_TOP ${note_install}

It generates an error:

Error: resolving install function "Nsis2Io" in function "mui.FinishPre_207.5.9"
Note: uninstall functions must begin with "un.", and install functions must not
Error - aborting creation process

Thanks in advance

That error simply states that you do not have an Nsis2Io function in your script.
