Archive: Custom ModernUI Pages

Custom ModernUI Pages
I'm new on NSIS, just learn it yesterday in a replacement of Wise Installer.

I've managed to build a simple installer but I'd like to custom a few pages and I can't seem to find it in the manuals. I'm using modernUI for NSIS.

What I'd like to ask is :
1. when installing time, in MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY how to make the directory is unchangeable, just showing the $INSTDIR as an information. How can I do that?

2. is it possible to make the details of file installed keep hidden? just the progress bar and current file installed but no history details of file already installed. is it possible to hide the button of "show details"?

3. when uninstalling, the first welcome page, how to make the title text in welcome page having 3 lines just like MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TITLE_3LINES? i can't use MUI_UNWELCOMEPAGE_TITLE_3LINES (yes, I made them myself LOL)

Please help me oh NSIS experts, I deeply need your assistance.. thanks in advance

1) Use EnableWindow on the editbox and browser button in the show function callback for that page

2) ShowInstDetails nevershow


Thx Anders for your response. I got another questions to ask about

1. Can you (or anyone else) please explain that a bit clearer? coz I don't know what to do

2. thanks I think I'll manage this one

3. it doesn't seem to work in UNinstall page. The welcome page of installation works well with 3 lines, but not the uninstall page. Any idea(s)?

thanks in advance


If you searched the forum for 'disable directory' you would have found this:

Most if not all MUI installer defines have corresponding uninstaller defines. If you look in the MUI doc you will find it.


Originally posted by saintfalcon
3. it doesn't seem to work in UNinstall page. The welcome page of installation works well with 3 lines, but not the uninstall page. Any idea(s)?

again before