15th June 2009 19:37 UTC
Install depending on registry value
It is an installer for a mod for a game.
The game has a registry value setting the language of the game.
And the mod has 2 different files, one of which must be installed depending on the registry value I said above.
But the two files must never be installed at the same time.
So if the registry value equals 1 then file A is installed but not file B
And if the registry value equals 2 then file B is installed but not file A.
Is this possible to do in NSIS script?
And how is it done?
15th June 2009 20:26 UTC
!include LogicLib.nsh
ReadRegDWORD $0 HKLM "Software\foo\bar" "baz"
${If} $0 < 2
File A
File B
And as a final note, I'd say RTFM
15th June 2009 22:41 UTC
Well I tried that and it didn't work.
If I use this code will the item appear checked in the page where the user selects what parts to install?
Afrow UK
16th June 2009 13:02 UTC
No you have to do more than that then. You need to select the correct section using the SelectSection macro in Sections.nsh. Make sure both sections are unselected by default (/o).