Archive: OpenCandy plug-in (Recommend software and make money)

OpenCandy plug-in (Recommend software and make money)
OpenCandy enables you to recommend software or services you believe would be valuable to your users. The recommendation takes place during the installation of your software (ie. in your NSIS installer) through an additional page.

No Bundling
Recommended software is dynamically downloaded after a user accepts the recommendation, which results in the elimination of bundling lots of unwanted software with your installer. Our plug-in comes in at >400KB, and is the only thing that needs to be included with your installer.

Get Paid
More than beer money! You can generate significant revenue by participating in the OpenCandy network. Best of all, you don’t have to sell your soul (or your user’s) to do so.

You choose the software you want to recommend. You can do it for free, to earn money or a combination of the two. Plus, you can change recommendations at any time without rebuilding your installer.

Always Opt-in
All recommendations are opt-in. Your users will not end up with software they don’t want simply by clicking ‘Next’ or ‘Install’.

More information at and

I've added a plug-in entry into the NSIS wiki, with example script showing how to use the plug-in.
You can check it out here:

Also, we just updated our website with a lot more information on what we do, how we do it, and why we do it. Check it out here:

If you'd like to see the recommendations in action, you can download and install any of the following software:

kantaris (
MediaCoder (
MediaInfo (
miro (

I am VERY interested in being a publisher, and I've tried to contact you guys many, many times without a reply. I've signed up a few times on your website, sent PMs, contacted you on Twitter - I even sent you a PM on here, and didn't hear anything yet.

Can you please let me know what I need to do to become a publisher?

Thanks much!