Archive: Newbie: 2 in 1

Newbie: 2 in 1
Hello, i'm newbie in this and i need somebody help me.
I've made 2 files (A and B) with NSIS and i'd like to merge them into one main installer (C). This installer will be silent and should do something like this:
check registry for a key (K), and if the key exist - extract and run file A. If the key not exist - extract and run file B.

Here is my script:

!; MUI 1.67 compatible ------
!include LogicLib.nsh

Name "My_app"
OutFile "My_app.exe"
SilentInstall silent

ReadRegSTR $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\....\......" "Some value"
${If} $0 < 2
SetOutPath $TEMP
File A.exe
ExecWait $TEMP\A.exe
SetOutPath $TEMP
File B.exe
ExecWait $TEMP\B.exe

Section -Post
Delete $TEMP\A.exe
Delete $TEMP\B.exe

Please, tell me what's wrong :rolleyes:

other than no quotes on paths, I don't see any issues. What is the actual problem? (You are not passing install paths to A/B but you did not say anything about that)

The installaton path is defined in files A.exe and B.exe. They are compilled and working.
I want to merge this two .exe files into one installer. I'll try to explain my idea:
When run this installer, first he have to check registry for a key. If the key exist, extract to temp folder and run only file A.exe, if the key doesn.t exist - extract to temp folder and run only file B.exe. Actualy the installation depending on this key. This key define which file must be extracted and started.

Anders meant something along the lines of: What is the problem with your current C script? I agree with him that it looks pretty ok. Do you get any compiler errors? If not, try adding some MessageBox debug messages in your C script to see what the contents of your variables are, during runtime.

The script (C) working without erors, but compiled installer doesn't work. When I run it, only file A.exe is starting. I mean that installer doesn't verify the registry, to deside which file(A or B) have to extract and run

Check the value read from the registry using a MessageBox then.

Edit: You do realise that code will check if the read value is less than 2?
