Archive: how to skip MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES


i searched this forum an google but i haven't found a solution.

I want to skip the MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES by some conditions, but this isn't working correctly.

I tryed the second code from here:
but if i move the line with "!define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE dirPre" below "!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY" the behaviour in case of skipping the page issn't what i have expected.

The install Page isn't displayed but i have to clicl twice on the "Next" button to continiue. :(

Can someone help me plz?


Try using AutoCloseWindow true.


Hello Afrow,

thx for your reply, but this isn't the solution i searched for, i dont want to close the setup window automatically.

This is what i want to do:

- the user can choose the sections to be installed
- the first section can be configured (path, iis, ...)
- copy the files for the first section (MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES dialog)
- some configuration after the installation
- the second section can be configured (path, iis, ...)
- copy the files for the second section (MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES dialog)
- some configuration after the installation
- the third section can be configured (path, iis, ...)
- copy the files for the third section (MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES dialog)
- some configuration after the installation

So, if the first section isn't selected the setup should go to the next section. The only thing that doesn't work correctly is to skip completely the MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES dialog.

Any solution for this?

Please post your code or a script which reproduces the problem.

Just a note that MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE defines a PRE function for the page that is defined after it.


Hmm, it seems to work like it should today. I dont know what happens yesterday.

But now if i compile with AutoCloseWindow true the MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES dialog changes after installation to the next dialog automatically even without abort. I want to show this dialog and only go to the next dialog on button next click if i dont abort this dialog on MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE.

If i compile without AutoCloseWindow true the same happens as described in the first post.

Hmm, i hope you understand my english. ;)

Put SetAutoClose false in a section.
