Archive: Custom Finish Page

Custom Finish Page
Hi guys,

I am trying to vertically align a 3rd checkbox. However, as I move the checkbox up it starts to disappear.

For example at present it is:

[] some text
[] some text 2

[] some text 3

I would like it to be:

[] some text
[] some text 2
[] some text 3

I've included a .png so you can see the result as well as the script. The script has been stripped of most of its content so it will be easier to identify the problem.



This is the script

You need to resize the control using Windows API. SetWindowPos will do it.
Look in Modern UI 2\Pages\Finish.nsh to find the variables that contain the handle to the control you need to resize. There should also be examples of calling SetWindowPos using the System plugin on this forum.
