Archive: User defined Fihish page

User defined Finish page

I'd like to define an own user defined finish page. I was using the search function but I'm currently not sure how to do it exactly.

My own finish page should have a text with underlaying URL and a picture, also with underlaying URL. The URL must open a web browser if the text or the picture is clicked.

How can I do this. Currently I'm unsure if I have do do changes in the NSIS header files / ini files or if I'm able to do all of it in my own Script.

Thanks in advance for your ideas and suggestions


You should be able to do it all in your own script if you create a custom show function and then manipulate the page using the nsDialogs macros. All the handles to the controls are stored in predefined MUI variables which you will find in Contrib\Modern UI 2\Pages\Finish.nsh
