File Write Issue
Okay, so ive got everythign in the installer, and when I was debugging it to make sure everything worked I noticed that it wasnt writing the files with the correct information;
My code for the write file is the following:
Function asimbridge
!macro WriteLineB LineB
FileWrite $R0 `${LineB}$\r$\n`
!define WriteLineB `!insertmacro WriteLine`
Push $R0
FileOpen $R0 `$INSTDIR\ASIMBridge.bat` w
${WriteLineB} '@echo off'
${WriteLineB} 'rem bridge file created Thu, 25 Jun 2009 14:49:20 -0500 by user $uNameRem'
${WriteLineB} 'rem install option: normal install'
${WriteLineB} 'rem browser path: C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe'
${WriteLineB} 'rem company directory: $INSTDIR'
${WriteLineB} 'rem automatic login: on'
${WriteLineB} ''
${WriteLineB} 'set PHPRC="$INSTDIR\"'
${WriteLineB} 'if not exist "$INSTDIR\php.exe" GOTO PHPERR'
${WriteLineB} 'if not exist "$INSTDIR\%1" GOTO BRGERR'
${WriteLineB} ''
${WriteLineB} 'GOTO PHPEXEC'
${WriteLineB} ''
${WriteLineB} ':PHPEXEC'
${WriteLineB} '"$INSTDIRphp.exe" "$INSTDIR\upload_bridge_file.php" "$INSTDIR\%1"'
${WriteLineB} 'GOTO END'
${WriteLineB} ''
${WriteLineB} ':PHPERR'
${WriteLineB} 'echo $INSTDIR\php.exe does not exist - please check your bridge configuration'
${WriteLineB} 'GOTO PAUSEX'
${WriteLineB} ''
${WriteLineB} ':BRGERR'
${WriteLineB} 'echo $INSTDIR\%1 does not exist - please check your bridge configuration'
${WriteLineB} 'GOTO PAUSEX'
${WriteLineB} ''
${WriteLineB} ':PAUSEX'
${WriteLineB} 'PAUSE'
${WriteLineB} 'GOTO END'
${WriteLineB} ''
${WriteLineB} ':RETERR'
${WriteLineB} 'echo "Bridge upload failed with error code %ERRORLEVEL%"'
${WriteLineB} 'GOTO PAUSEX'
${WriteLineB} ''
${WriteLineB} ':END'
${WriteLineB} 'EXIT'
${WriteLineB} ''
${WriteLineB} 'EXIT'
FileClose $R0
Pop $R0
Now the file is writing correctly, but anywhere it says $instdir it does teh following;
If install directory = C:\ASIM
it will write to the file as: C:\ASIM\ASIM\*
Is there a way to get rid of this duplication?