2nd July 2009 10:43 UTC
Box dash nsdialogs
I’m trying to produce something similar to the dot dash plug-in using nsdialogs. Is there a way to restrict the character length in a textbox? Can you have the cursor atomatically selected in the first textbox ?
Also is there a way to * or hash the user input to a textbox
2nd July 2009 10:57 UTC
What's the dot dash plug-in?
2nd July 2009 11:41 UTC
Sorry I mean BOX DASH using PassDialog::Dialog Serial example
2nd July 2009 18:09 UTC
to answer your last question, you can use ${NSD_CreatePassword}. and i guess you can use ${NSD_OnChange} to check the length of the input and run an function when the limit is met.
2nd July 2009 19:42 UTC
To set the focus to the first textbox, use ${NSD_SetFocus} (http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Docs/nsD...#mref-setfocus)
6th July 2009 23:13 UTC
thanks. have the focus working and the password. Just have to work on the text control.
6th July 2009 23:24 UTC
It's all in the manual you know: ${NSD_SetTextLimit}
6th July 2009 23:33 UTC
spooky. just came across this myself. Thx