Archive: How to check and disable a checkbox by default ?

How to check and disable a checkbox by default ?

I am looking for a curious thing.

I would like to put on my NSIS a checkbox that is checked by default, and appears in grey, like the checkbox in Windows, when you can't change its status.

I can't find how to check and disable it by default.

Is there anyone have the solution please ?

Thank you very much for your help.

Do you mean a components page check box or a custom page check box?


On a custom page please. But if it's easier on a components page, I will try to do my best to transfert it.

Double post:

Hi All,
This is the Process toto check and disable a checkbox by default and by using:

we need to write inside the Section as ::SectionIn R0::


Section "Java" SEC01
SectionIn RO
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
SetOverwrite ifnewer
File "..\..\Documents and Settings\pnukasani\Desktop\Java.txt"

Originally posted by jpderuiter
Double post:
Thank you very much, it's exactly what I was looking for !