Archive: Uninstal Multiuser installation

Uninstal Multiuser installation

My app can be used by all user on a computer.
For every user which uses it, there are some registry entrys in HKCU.

How do I delete all registry entrys, even for users not currently logged in?
(HKEY_USERS only contain the entrys for the currently logged in Users)

Is there some easier way then manualy loading every ntuser.dat into the registry and deleting the entrys?



Again a "Blinding flash of the obvious"!
Thanks for the Info

But another question
Is there a reason why EnumUserReg doesn't load the "Default User"????
(as I understand the code, it will only work on Win 9X systems)

Nothing will have been written to the Default User hive as that is not an account. It's just the default setup which is cloned when creating new user accounts. The code will do both 9X and NT.


I know
But I want to set something in the registry for teh defaul User so that every new User also has it available.

If I don't write to the default user, any new user which is created after my install is doesn't have the settings

I solved it already by manualy loading the "Default User" hive befor calling EnumUsersReg (->works fine)

Thanks for the help