Archive: Insert bmp in InstFile Page with XPUI

Insert bmp in InstFile Page with XPUI
Hi everyone,

I'm a freshman with NSIS script and XPUI,
I have written all custom Page in my Installer, but i used


and it is a Page i can't custom.

So i want to add two sperator with custom position but i don't know how to do that. (pls see file att)

Pls give me some instruction to do it
Thank for reading

Anybody can help me with this problem ? :( :( :cry:

Any suggest here , I'm out of brain

A lot more work than you are probably looking for. Here is a script which places a bitmap in the installer window background:

The key API's used are GetModuleHandle, CreateWindowEx, SetWindowPos and LoadImage. You could probably skip the LoadImage bit and use the nsDialogs ${NSD_SetImage}/${NSD_FreeImage} instead (which uses LoadImage behind the scenes).
