Archive: multiple file type (and icons) association, plus menu entries

multiple file type (and icons) association, plus menu entries

First, i'd like to precise i'm looking for a solution for a week now, reading forum and wiki, even looking at VLC installer script. I might missed something.

Anyway, here is my problem :

I have two file types (i.e two extensions *.ext1 and *.ext2)

for ext1 :

if user wants to associate ext1 with the app
associate .ext1 to icon1.ico
add first menu entry as default (appearing in bold)
add second menu entry
add first menu entry as non default
add second menu entry

for ext2 :

if user wants to associate ext2 with the app
associate .ext2 to icon2.ico
add a menu entry as default (appearing in bold)
add a menu entry as non default

I almost succeeded doing this, but i'm afraid i'm messing up registry keys (i just cant put the finger on how it works internally)
Using registerExtension macro doesn't seem to give me enough possibilities (concerning icon and menu entries stuff)

Is there an easy way to make this ?

Thank you for your attention

Attach your code. Also make sure you are using LogicLib.



I don't have the script with me now, but i'll attach it as soon as possible


Here is my script (attached file)

This version only does stuff if user checked the corresponding section, which doesn't fit my requirements (i also want to do something particular if a section is unchecked)

Also, i'm afraid i should do some extra-code to make this work on Vista.

SEC031 works properly, but SEC032 doesn't. The only difference i see is that SEC032 extension is already associated with application on my comp

any help would be very much appreciated :)

Edit : i just realized i may not use the LogicLib you mentionned