Archive: installer window loosing focus

installer window loosing focus
using custom page leave function seems to make the installer window loose focus while its processing a task. Is there something I’m doing wrong?

processing task = running external program?

I'm running a number of batch sripts and installs in the leave function. Im also using the leave to post HTML data.

Running batches using ExecWait or what?


a mixture of:
and some pluggins:


the idea was to check some credentials with the post then run scripts with the output from the post. This intern modifies the packages and then runs them. while playing some images and showing progress all in a custom page.


Leave function isn't the place to do this stuff. Can't you do it during install?


I have moved most of the process this morning into the install section of MUI but I still have the problem with the user signup and serial activation. It currently requires the user to input details then it send them in a post via web services for validation checks. Do I need to run this in a single function and add a submit button to the page?

page custom serial serialleave

Function serial

nsDialogs::Create 1044
Pop $Dialog
${If} $Dialog == error

GetDlgItem $R0 $HWNDPARENT 1
EnableWindow $R0 0

${NSD_CreateText} 37 230 50 20 $Serial1
Pop $Text5
${NSD_CreateText} 127 230 50 20 $Serial2
Pop $Text6
${NSD_CreateText} 217 230 50 20 $Serial3
Pop $Text7
${NSD_CreateText} 307 230 50 20 $Serial4
Pop $Text8
${NSD_SetFocus} $Text5

${NSD_SetTextLimit} $Text5 4
${NSD_SetTextLimit} $Text6 4
${NSD_SetTextLimit} $Text7 4
${NSD_SetTextLimit} $Text8 4

${NSD_OnChange} $text8 enableNext

${NSD_CreateBitmap} 0u 0u 100% 100% ""
Pop $Image
${NSD_SetImage} $Image $PLUGINSDIR\page2 $ImageHandle
${NSD_FreeImage} $ImageHandle


Function SerialLeave

GetDlgItem $R0 $HWNDPARENT 1
EnableWindow $R0 0

${NSD_GetText} $Text5 $Serial1
${NSD_GetText} $Text6 $Serial2
${NSD_GetText} $Text7 $Serial3
${NSD_GetText} $Text8 $Serial4

inetc::post "ProtectorSerialKey=$Serial1$Serial2$Serial3$Serial4" /SILENT /HEADER "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
"hostX.X.X.X" "$TEMP\post_reply.txt"

Push "$TEMP\post_reply.txt"
push "Serial Key registered"
Call FileSearch
Pop $0
${if} $0 = 1
#MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "Serial Key registered OK"
call enableNEXT
Push "$TEMP\post_reply.txt"
Push "Serial Key not recognised"
Call FileSearch
Pop $0
${if} $0 = 1
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "Serial Key not recognised"
Push "$TEMP\post_reply.txt"
Push "Serial Key has already been registered"
Call FileSearch
Pop $0
${if} $0 = 1
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "Serial key already registered"
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "An unknown error has occured please contact your Service provider"

${NSD_FreeImage} $ImageHandle


You just have to show your serial page before installing.


not sure what you mean.

I run the serial function, wait for the results then a seperate signup function then install. I need the results of the serial function to complete the signup. this means I can't just place the posts in the install section.

What you have now is fine. Send the web request in your page's leave function. Everything else can be done in a section.


Its still loosing focus in the leave function which makes it look a bit strange?

You mean the installer window no longer has focus or some of your serial box fields when Abort is called?

NSIS has a BringToFront instruction. To set focus on the text fields you can use NSD_SetFocus.


its the installer window.