Archive: ExperienceUI 1.3.1 released

ExperienceUI 1.3.1 released
Holy hell guys, two and a half years? Yeah, it really was dead for a good long while. So now Neal Gompa, the co-developer, and I have decided to get the project going again. We've restarted development on the ExperienceUI, and gotten some formal revision control and a better, less cocky, more sexy, logo deprived, more down to earth website put together. I decided to do this after finding out how badly I needed the ExperienceUI for another project, and also after realizing that people elsewhere still use it.

But we can't do this without you guys. We need help testing things, especially newer features like WAnsis and XPUI_BGIMAGE. I'll try to get example installers for both up sometime. (Warning: the WAnsis example included is waaaaaay over-complicated!)

ExperienceUI 1.3.1 has been released. We are using the Linux kernel versioning system, so the odd middle digit indicates that this is an UNSTABLE release. It's NOT very different from the ExperienceUI 1.11 codebase, but this codebase still has not very much exposure. It is a LOT different from the stable 1.1 which had a lot of problems in terms of code overhead. The skinning engine is considerably faster, almost seamless in my VirtualBox Windows XP test environment (on a Phenom II X4... but still) and there is in-progress POSIX compatibility in this release, meaning that ExperienceUI installers can be compiled under Linux. I have also added support for separating the ExperienceUI from NSIS's root directory, meaning that prepackaged UNIX environments such as Fedora and Ubuntu (which do not allow you to write to the NSIS root) will work with the ExperienceUI without you needing root access or anything of that sort.

There will be bugs in this release. Please help test, recompile installers with the ExperienceUI enabled, make sure the documentation is accurate, give it a run for its money. I don't have a lot of time for projects like this today so Neal and I are depending on the community for feedback and patches.

Download ExperienceUI 1.3.1:
Installation instructions: Copy on top of C:\Program Files\NSIS, or compile and run the installer script. Should be self-explanatory enough.

This thread is for discussion of the release, future development ideas, etc. If you want to report a bug or ask for support, please use this forum.

Happy hacking, guys! :D


Oh gread dadaman, I used XPUI and i like it. Hope this version is more useful than old. Thank dadaman and his partner.

Update: A bug affecting the ExperienceUI and all other skinning UIs (not Modern UI, only UIs that skin the interface like UMUI) has been discovered and reported. This is an NSIS bug and only affects those who are compiling installers on 64-bit Linux.
