Archive: inetc providing unreliable results?

inetc providing unreliable results?
When posting using webservice calls we expect back a response from the server. About 50% of the time the responce isn't sent back to the installer but the install carried on regardless?

Has anyone seen similar things.

inetc::post ***datatosend*** /SILENT /HEADER "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
"http*******.asmx/Check" "$TEMP\post_reply.txt"

I tried setting the /TIMOUT 180000 /END as im poping variables in the datatosend but its made no difference.

sometime post_reply.txt is in the TEMP dirrectory and sometime it isn't?

Did you tried to check plug-in' exit code? Pop $0 after plug-in call? I remember this can be either "OK" or one of 25 error descriptions.

I tried that but the exit code always returned 0

I think I may have fixed the problem bu adding in a delay before the post_reply is pushed to the stack.


This can't be 0

where all items in array are strings (see inetc.cpp). Good idea is to add /end at the end of inetc call string (kichik asked for multiple downloads in a single call - anybody use it?).

Sorry meant OK.

I’m also using the /END already. It seems to be ok now i have added the sleep before the next instruction. Strange as i thought it would have to create the post response before it completes with a status of OK ????

It should. Plug-in waits for download thread exit event. The only idea is some file caching has place on your system, I am not sure if FlushFileBuffers() can help before local file close...