Archive: DirectX Install Documentation

DirectX Install Documentation
Took the time to write up how I install DirectX in for both fixed media (CD/DVD) and Web based installs and put them on the Wiki.

The only thing I have yet to do research on is interfacing directly with DirectSetup for fixed media installs. Any help appreciated!

DirectX Installation with Web Installer

DirectX Installation for Fixed Media

Comment and enjoy!


Created two macros that use the System Plug-in to interface with the DirectSetup stuff. Posted on the "DirectX Installation for Fixed Media" page.

DirectX_Version will return the version numbers of the current DirectX install. Not that it's really needed, but no reason not to inlcude it.

DirectX_Install is the main attraction. Right now it works mostly silently but gives out return codes and sets the Reboot flag if a certain return code is passed.

What I haven't been able to figure out is how to get the DirectXSetupCallbackFunction() working and give status updates while DirectX is doing it's thing. It's all to do with the System Plugin's callbacks, but I haven't been able to get my head around it. Help?