Vista "program files" sub directory permissions
Hello all,
Recently i had a problem, Trying to install my own software under "Program files\mysoftware" and create sub folders and files, I'm trying to grant full access to these files and folders to the ordinary vista user account.
Here is a snapshot on what i did:
RequestExecutionLevel user
GetFunctionAddress $0 GrantFullAccess
UAC::ExecCodeSegment $0
Function GrantFullAccess
AccessControl::GrantOnFile "$PROGRAMFILES\MySoftware\data\*.*" "(BU)" "FullAccess"
AccessControl::GrantOnFile "$DOCUMENTS\MySoftware\*.*" "(BU)" "FullAccess"
AccessControl::GrantOnFile "$PROFILE\.MySoftware\*.*" "(BU)" "FullAccess"
Now, when installing the software, and see the permission for the users, the logged in user don't have full access to the folders inside "program files".
Please help,