Archive: How to show finish page if user skips custom registration page

How to show finish page if user skips custom registration page
In My Installer application,i need to show Finish page,if user skips custom registration page.
The pages are called in following order

!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
!insertmacro "Custom Registration File1"
!insertmacro "Custom Registration File2"
!insertmacro "Custom Registration File3"
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH

During installation if user skips registration in "Custom Registration File2",Finish Page should be displayed.

Using MUI_ABORTWARNING,message box is displayed with warning message.if user selects yes in message box,the process ends there itself.but it should go to finish page to run installed .exe

Hope to get valuable info on this

- Yemmem

i wish to do a similar operation, after a custom page, the Finish page should be displayed ? please advise .

I can't find the code right now, but there was a function around called RelGotoPage that you would call to make your installer go to a specific page.

We used this to go to the Finish page in all cases.

Thanks jpderuiter, I have having problems finding that page. =)

well... i have a different kind of requirement:

Among the above, License and Decline_License are custom pages.

I wish to finish the installation on Decline_License_Page, but this page shows the usual Back, Next and Cancel buttons. does anyone know how to have only Back and Finish buttons on this page ?

If not, how can i display the Finish_Page immediately after Decline_License_Page

thanks guys for your help !