Archive: Test on .oninit and change section flag

Test on .oninit and change section flag

I read a lot of topics, but i don't found a solution at my problem.

I want to do a test in the Function .onInit dependind the result, I want to unselect an put the flag readonly in one or more section and/or sectiongroup. How can I do that?

Thanks in advance

See sections.nsh for helper macros

I have look, but it doesn't work. Could you make me an example?


Nobody can help me?

Here is a section of an installer I use.

Section "WoW Mod #1 v0.7" WM1_id

SetOutPath "$0Interface\AddOns"
RMDir /r "$0Interface\AddOns\WoWMod1"
File /r "WoWMod1"


>Function .onInit

;find the registry entry for WoW
ReadRegStr$0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Blizzard Entertainment\World of Warcraft" "InstallPath"
; check for which mods exist
${DirState} "$0Interface\AddOns\WoWMod1" $R0
${If} $R0 != -1
IntOp $R1${SF_SELECTED} | ${SF_RO}
SectionSetFlags "${WM1_id}" $R1

>FunctionEnd ;onInit
If the directory exists then the section checkbox would be checked and set to Read Only.