Archive: Get Absolute Path of file that calls exe

Get Absolute Path of file that calls exe
I have an altered Java Launcher exe file written in NSIS that launches a JAR file ( I want to pass into the JAR a parameter, that parameter being the absolute path of the file which called the exe.

I know I can get the current working directory (System::Call "kernel32::GetCurrentDirectory(i ${NSIS_MAX_STRLEN}, t .r0)")...but that still isn't the path to the calling file.

In a BAT file I can use "start MyApp.jar %1" and that fills in the abs path, but that cannot be done in NSIS it seems (or I am not writing it correctly cause my parameter comes in literally as "%1").

I want my command to be: javaw -jar MyApp.jar AbsolutePath

Here is my line currently that I want that path added to:

StrCpy $0 '"$R0" -jar "${JAR}"'

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.

${GetParameters} and GetFullPathName