21st August 2009 19:55 UTC
Progress doesn't move then jumps at 100%
I'm having a hard time controlling the progress bar of my installer. It basically stops at about 30% while lots of files get installed, then it jumps at 100%.
I read several threads that blame the return command, but I don't have any in my installer. I do play around with sections, and abort some of them in their pre-function. Could this be the cause?
I know about the RealProgress plugin, but it seems to have bugs and I didn't succeed in having it show a good progress bar.
21st August 2009 20:13 UTC
a section does not have a pre function, i guess you mean the pre function for a page and those have no effect on the progress bar
21st August 2009 20:55 UTC
OK, so what could be the cause of my problem then?
24th August 2009 14:39 UTC
Could it be because I remove some sections with SectionSetFlags?
25th August 2009 08:50 UTC
Are you calling Abort in one of the sections or changing section selection while sections are being executed?
25th August 2009 14:35 UTC
The only aborts I have are in functions, and I'm not changing section selection within sections, only within functions (from MUI_CUSTOMFUNCTION_GUIINIT for example).
25th August 2009 16:01 UTC
Are you copying the files in a function?
25th August 2009 16:15 UTC
Yes. Is that the problem?
25th August 2009 16:28 UTC
Yes. Move them to a section and the progress bar will advance more smoothly.
25th August 2009 17:10 UTC
Hmm... My installer has 2 sections, one for New installations and one for Updating an existing installation, and it enables/hides either one of the sections. I then have 2 functions: installOnce for the stuff that belongs to a new install, and installCommon for the stuff that belongs to both. The "new install" section calls both functions, while the "update" section calls installCommon, and both sections have various maintenances other than File commands.
How am I supposed to work this, without duplicating the code in both sections (something I'd like to avoid for obvious reasons)?