Archive: Batting 1000

Batting 1000
I've tried everything I can think of, from welcome page custom leave functions, to Popping the language from the .onInit

I am using the MUI not MUI2, and I have a custom license file for each language supported.

So far I've had basically 3 results. An empty license screen, the same language license no matter what language you select, and the license's file name in the license box.

LangString language_file ${LANG_ENGLISH} ioInstallType.txt
LangString language_file ${LANG_FRENCH} ioInstallType.txt
LicenseData $(language_file)
Page license
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE $(language_file)

Shows the file name where the license belongs, I've tried quotes, no quotes, LoadLanguageFile, LangString, etc.

; License data - Not exactly translated, but it shows whats needed
LicenseLangString myLicenseData ${LANG_ENGLISH} "..\required_files\licenses\english.txt"
LicenseLangString myLicenseData ${LANG_FRENCH} "..\required_files\licenses\french.txt"
LicenseLangString myLicenseData ${LANG_GERMAN} "..\required_files\licenses\german.txt"
LicenseLangString myLicenseData ${LANG_ITALIAN} "..\required_files\licenses\itialian.txt"
LicenseLangString myLicenseData ${LANG_SPANISH} "..\required_files\licenses\spanish.txt"

LicenseData $(myLicenseData)
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE $(myLicenseData)

Shows always shows the Spanish license, no matter what I select.


!if $LANGUAGE == 1033
LicenseLangString myLicenseData ${LANG_ENGLISH} "required_files\licenses\english.txt"
MessageBox MB_OK "Setting English"
LicenseData $(myLicenseData)
!if $LANGUAGE == 1036
LicenseLangString myLicenseData ${LANG_FRENCH} "required_files\licenses\french.txt"
MessageBox MB_OK "Setting French"
LicenseData $(myLicenseData)
LicenseLangString myLicenseData ${LANG_ENGLISH} "required_files\licenses\english.txt"

LicenseData $(myLicenseData)

!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE $(language_file)

Blank screen.

Please help,.

I've tried what this guy said at this post:


But now my English shows French and French is blank.

I am using the MUI not MUI2, and I have a custom license file for each language supported
I've tried what this guy said at this post ... But now my English shows French and French is blank
If you are referring to my posts, here is a complete example that might help you. It offers a choice of English, French and German and displays a different licence for each.

!define MUI_LANGDLL_ALWAYSSHOW ;you might not want this in the final installer, but use it during testing
!include MUI.nsh
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "$(mylicense)"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "French"

LicenseLangString mylicense ${LANG_ENGLISH} "${__FILE__}"
LicenseLangString mylicense ${LANG_FRENCH} "$%windir%\system32\eula.txt"

Function .onInit

edit: pengyou beat me to it, thats what you get for coding in the reply field :)