Archive: NEW Awsome tool made for you guys!

NEW Awsome tool made for you guys!
Have you ever gotten tired of typing all of the file names manually to be installed or un-installed?

What about patches?

Well, you'll have to wait about a day for me to perfect the tool for patches, but here is my solution to reduce typing

in my installer I place a line: include install.nsh
and then lower down I place include uninstall.nsh

then to make those files, I would run.
PyTis_NSIS_Walker.exe -dProject -m0 > install.nsh
PyTis_NSIS_Walker.exe -dProject -m1 > uninstall.nsh

Now I wrote this in python, but I knew most of you wouldn't have python. So I used py2exe to compile it so that you guys could run it as an executable. No need for an installer, just run it from wherever you un-extract the zip file to.

Also, it can be ran from the command line (it should be) but it is smart enough to run if you double click on it too.

I compiled this in vista, so let me know if you guys have any bugs.

======================== NSIS 2.45 Application Walker =========================

The app walker will create output to be used in .nsh includes for
the NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System). The .nsh files can then be
included in the install and un-install sections.

Mode 1: creates the install lines
Mode 2: creates the uninstall lines

Documentation for NSIS can be found at:, This tool was made by Josh Lee, Copyright 2004-2009
USAGE Examples:
app_walker directory [silent] (mode 0 defaluts, output to screen)
app_walker -d{directory} -m1 > my_uninstall.nsh

app_walker -dNSIS -m1 > C:\installer\uninstall.nsh (scanned the alpha9 directory)
OUTPUT: scanned directory NSIS created file C:\installer\uninstall.nsh
app_walker alpha9 -oalpha9 -F (scanned the alpha9 directory)
OUTPUT: alpha9_install.nsh, alpha9_uninstall.nsh
app_walker -obeta10 -F (scanned the beta10 directory)
OUTPUT: beta10_install.nsh, beta10_uninstall.nsh


Version 2

Copyright Josh Lee

License is basically a Modified GPL, free userware, just don't touch my logo ;-)

For mor help type: PyTis_NSIS_Walker.exe --help

You may email me at

Download from here:

Wow, I forgot to post it's instructions.

More information can be found here:

Usage: PyTis_NSIS_Walker.exe [options]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-D, --debug Enable debugging
-A, --all Run all modes, over-rides -m, outputs to a file and
will auto-select name if not provided.
The folder to walk
-f, --force Force Remove (for Uninstall mode)
-i, --iterate Only itterate, non-recursive
-m MODE, --mode=MODE 0=Install (default), 1=Uninstall
-o OUTFILE, --outfile=OUTFILE
Output filename only specify a file name a suffix and
extension are automatically added.
-s, --silent Do not print anything, even errors.
Install variable (default $INSTDIR\)

Enter options (q to quit):

Ok, I made some narly updates to this, and it now works in a gui.

Main Program
Project Manager (File Load equivalent)
Generator Program (Console.exe can do this from the shell)

Check out the wiki for more information.