Build Issue
Hey guys,
so I'm configuring the nsis compiler to append to an existing log passed in through the SetLogText call.

The issue I'm having is that if I try to build the compiler with the regular windows shell I get a link error, but if I use the visual studio 2005 command prompt it builds without issue. Unfortunately there's no clean way to use the visual studio command prompt through apache ant, so that's not an option. I've included the error below.

link /nologo /opt:nowin98 /map /entry:DllMain /dll /out:build\release\System\System.dll /LIBPATH:build\release\api\nsis pluginapi.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib ole32.lib build\release\System\Source\Buffers.obj Contrib\System\Source\Call.S build\release\System\Source\Plugin.obj build\release\System\Source\System.obj
Contrib\System\Source\Call.S : fatal error LNK1107: invalid or corrupt file: cannot read at 0x5BC7
scons: *** [build\release\System\System.dll] Error 1107
scons: building terminated because of errors.