Archive: Import .reg file into 64-bit registry

Import .reg file into 64-bit registry
Is there a way to import a .reg file into the 64-bit portion of the registry on a 64-bit system?

I'm using an ExecWait call to regedit to import the .reg file, but the contents always end up in the Wow6432Node.

I would expect you can run the 64bits version of regedit (from %SystemRoot%\System32)to merge the file. You can of course also use SetShellVarContext and import the contents of the .reg file manually.

NSIS has native support for writing to the 64 bit registry, use SetRegView

If you still want to use a .reg, you probably have to turn off file redirection before executing regedit.exe, see x64.nsh (Also note that regedit could be disabled by group policy)


Err oops, yeah, I meant SetRegView, not SetShellVarContext. >__<

Originally posted by Anders
NSIS has native support for writing to the 64 bit registry, use SetRegView

If you still want to use a .reg, you probably have to turn off file redirection before executing regedit.exe, see x64.nsh (Also note that regedit could be disabled by group policy)
Anders, you are GOD!
i have been banging my head these past few days.
i use NSIS to make portable applications, but switched to PAF.
Only problem with PAF is you have no control over the internal coding.
And they don't support 64-bit AT ALL!

i was familiar with SetRegView but found that it's incompatible with the Registry Plugin.
using your suggestion ${DisableX64FSRedirection} worked finally!

Deleting with SetRegView is simple.
But importing & exporting was impossible because you have to use Reg.exe.

Thank You VERY Much :D