Archive: Error Wrapping MS Patch - Please go to the control panel to install and configure sy

Error Wrapping MS Patch - Please go to the control panel to install and configure sy
I'm stumped.

I'm wrapping a KB (WindowsXP-KB915865-v11-x86-ENU.exe) from Microsoft that installs an Office 2007 component needed by Visio 2007.

When I run the following code snippet from my .nsi script:

Push 'WindowsXP-KB915865-v11-x86-ENU.exe'
Call ExecCommand

I get the following popup message:

"Please go to the control panel to install and configure system components"

I'm not a NSIS expert but have wrapped a few .MSI installs with no problems.

This is my first attempt to wrap a KB patch that installs a component like this.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.



I was not able to reproduce the message you got, so I'm not sure what may have caused that.

Since I don't know what "ExecCommand" does, here some comments you might already have tried:

When you call WindowsXP-KB915865-v11-x86-ENU.exe /? from the command prompt, you will see all available command line switches.

One of these is /passive: Unattended mode (progress bar only).
When I use it like this:

ExecWait '"$TEMP\WindowsXP-KB915865-v11-x86-ENU.exe" /passive'

it installs without a problem.

I found that when you call "C:\Windows\System32\Setup.exe", your message will appear.
One way this can happen is when an Autorun.ini is found with a "open=Setup.exe" entry without an actual Setup.exe in the same directory.
Maybe this helps?


I see you're calling it a little differently. I'll give that a try.




Yep, that works. Unfortunately I need to do a silent install and am using the /quiet switch.

From my testing seems like this (the popup message:"Please go to the control panel to install and configure system components") only pops up when you (I) use the /quiet switch.

The entire install is silent, as it should be, then at the end bingo, the popup.

What a bummer!

Any other ideas on suppressing this popup?



ok, that's strange.
Not happening on my machine.

Did you have a look at the log file: C:\WINDOWS\KB915865.log

You can extract the package to e.g. c:\KB915865_ENU using

WindowsXP-KB915865-v11-x86-ENU.exe  -x:c:\KB915865_ENU

Maybe you can find something related there.

BTW, does this only happen when you run it from an NSIS script, or always?


Thanks for the suggestion. I've extracted the KB and am looking at my testing. I think my logic was flawed and I'm re-running the tests to isolate this better.

I've looked at the log file but didn't find anything useful to isolate this.

So odd, if I run WindowsXP-KB915865-v11-x86-ENU.exe outside of a .nsi script it never gives the popup. When running from a script I seem to get this popup. I'm not sure why it would be having this behavior when fired from NSIS.

I sure appreciate all your suggestions!



What when you use the ExecDos plug-in?
I use this plugin most of the time, mainly because of the ASYNC option, but I also found it working better then the other commands / plug-ins.


I'm not using ExecDos and will have to check that out.

