Archive: installer launch slow due to large files being copied

installer launch slow due to large files being copied
  I searched the forum and did not find a specific answer to my question, although I did find some related stuff.

I have an installer.exe that is about 200 Megabytes in size. When it is launched, it can take more than 20 seconds to show the first screen on a relatively fast machine. I am told this is because the installer is copying the 200 Megs worth of files to a temp directory.

I would like the installer to show me the first screen much more quickly, like in about one second. How can I achieve this?

Can I background the file copy?

Can I delay the file copy until after the first screen is launched?

Any other suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

Most likely it's the CRC check that runs when executed.

Add this to test..

CRCCheck Off 

You may want to split the package up as well..