Archive: two Install Typs with Radio Button

two Install Typs with Radio Button

I'm trying to get an InstallScript for a Programm witch have a Plugin Modus and an Standalone Mode.
I made an custom Page with to Radio Buttons.

I declaird 2 InstallTyps. But the Script run alway in trhe First InstallType.

But I want that the Radio Button 1 use the Section 1
and Radio Button 2 use the Section 2.

In the Function for the Radio Button I use the
!insertmacro SetSectionInInstType "${Section2}" "${InstType_2}"

But Just the Section1 is used.

What can I do?

Wouldn't it be easier to put the selected radio button in a variable, and then use only one section?

Section YourSection
${If} $RadioButtonVariable == "FirstButton"
; do stuff
; do other stuff

Thanks a lot
sometimes the solution is just so simple.