8th October 2009 05:27 UTC
This program might not have installed correctly.
I'm getting this error message when I reinstall my app in Windows Vista. It appears after I close the installer once it's finished.
"This program might not have installed correctly."
This only appears when I reinstall while it's already installed. It doesn't happen on the first install and if I uninstall and reinstall I don't get this message.
Is there anyway to figure out why this message is appearing? Vista doesn't give any information other than that message.
8th October 2009 07:43 UTC
Google results
8th October 2009 14:59 UTC
do you have requestexecutionlevel in your script?
8th October 2009 17:33 UTC
We are getting the same error in our installer, but only on a reinstall, and yes, we have Admin as the required level. We do write to the registry for the ARP, but I guess because it is a reinstall, it is writing out the exact same thing.
Do we need to do registry shenanigans to solve this? Write some random string just so Windows doesn't stroke out?
8th October 2009 18:28 UTC
hm, maybe add/update the "InstallDate" would work, at least if windows is hashing the data the hash should change
and if not, maybe ask over @
8th October 2009 18:36 UTC
Yeah, we were just thinking about doing a timestamp. I am going to try that today or tomorrow and see if it works.
18th October 2009 20:14 UTC
Windows is very/too clever.. :p
My "problem" was something like this: I had string "install" mentioned in the file properties Description field (it was actually a part of a bigger word: "installation"), Win7 found it *after* running the exe. The exe wasn't an (un)installer, so Win7 thought something was wrong. I removed the word and error didn't appear anymore. Was pretty hard to figure out..