Archive: NSDialog Page Label Color

NSDialog Page Label Color
I've decided to give up on trying to modify my installer page as described in the thread "Change Button on Install Page" - for now. As a replacment, I want to display a custom page after the installer page. There I would like to display a label with colored text. I know the color can be set using SetCtlColor.

nsDialogs::Create 1018 #1018
Pop $Dialog

${If} $Dialog == error
Abort "Error building dialog" #TODO

${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 10u 100% 40 ""
Pop $ResultText

${If} $ResultText == error
Abort "Error building dialog" #TODO

${NSD_SetText} $ResultText "Result"
SetCtlColors $ResultText 0x99FF33


It's not working.
I've read SetCtlColor is only workings inside the page's show function, but custom pages don't have a show function ....

Any ideas?

Thanks :)


SetCtlColors $ResultText 0x99FF33 transparent
(or some other background color)

Thank you. :)
Unfortunately it's not working.