Archive: Macro overloading

Macro overloading

Is there a possibility to overload macros like e.g. overloading methods in Java?

I would like to have something like this:

!macro myMacro param1
!macro myMacro param1 param2
!macro myMacro param1 param2 param3
This way I dont have to use "" for the second and/or third parameter.

Thanks :)


Not that I've found. But, here is a little macro trick I whipped together that simulates it nicely.

!macro _DoStuff _Params

!searchparse /noerrors `${_Params}` '' _Param1 `|` _Param2 `|` _Param3
DetailPrint "###### Param Test ####"
DetailPrint " P1 = ${_Param1}"
DetailPrint " P2 = ${_Param2}"
DetailPrint " P3 = ${_Param3}"
DetailPrint ""
!undef _Param1
!undef _Param2
!undef _Param3
>!define DoStuff `!insertmacro _DoStuff`

>Section Test
${DoStuff} "Hello|There|World"
${DoStuff} "Hello||World"
${DoStuff} "Hello|World"
${DoStuff} "Hello World"
${DoStuff} "||Hello World"
Output is:
###### Param Test ####
P1 = Hello
P2 = There
P3 = World

###### Param Test ####
P1 = Hello
P2 =
P3 = World

###### Param Test ####
P1 = Hello
P2 = World
P3 =

###### Param Test ####
P1 = Hello World
P2 =
P3 =

###### Param Test ####
P1 =
P2 =
P3 = Hello World


Evolution of previous post:

OutFile Test.exe

>## Macro Helper Macros
!define MacroParams "!insertmacro _MacroParams"
!macro _MacroParams _ParamNames _Values
!searchreplace _TMP `${_ParamNames}` "|" " '|' "
!searchparse /noerrors `${_Values}` '' ${_TMP}
!undef _TMP

!define MacroClean "!insertmacro _MacroClean"
!macro _MacroClean _ParamNames
!searchparse /ignorecase /noerrors `${_ParamNames}` '' _TMP2 "|" _TMP
!undef _TMP2
!if `_TMP` != ""
!searchparse /ignorecase /noerrors `${_TMP}` '' _TMP2 "|" _TMP
!undef _TMP2
!if `
_TMP` != ""
!searchparse /ignorecase /noerrors `${_TMP}` '' _TMP2 "|" _TMP
!undef _TMP2
!if `_TMP` != ""
!searchparse /ignorecase /noerrors `${_TMP}` '' _TMP2 "|" _TMP
!undef _TMP2
!if `_TMP` != ""
!searchparse /ignorecase /noerrors `${_TMP}` '' _TMP2 "|" _TMP
!undef _TMP2
!if `_TMP` != ""
!searchparse /ignorecase /noerrors `${_TMP}` '' _TMP2 "|" _TMP
!undef _TMP2
!if `_TMP` != ""
!searchparse /ignorecase /noerrors `${_TMP}` '' _TMP2 "|" _TMP
!undef _TMP2
!if `_TMP` != ""
!searchparse /ignorecase /noerrors `${_TMP}` '' _TMP2 "|" _TMP
!undef _TMP2
!if `_TMP` != ""
!searchparse /ignorecase /noerrors `${_TMP}` '' _TMP2 "|" _TMP
!undef _TMP2
!if `_TMP` != ""
!searchparse /ignorecase /noerrors `${_TMP}` '' _TMP2 "|" _TMP
!undef _TMP2
!if `_TMP` != ""
!searchparse /ignorecase /noerrors `${_TMP}` '' _TMP2 "|" _TMP
!undef _TMP2
!if `_TMP` != ""
!searchparse /ignorecase /noerrors `${_TMP}` '' _TMP2 "|" _TMP
!undef _TMP2
!if `_TMP` != ""
!searchparse /ignorecase /noerrors `${_TMP}` '' _TMP2 "|" _TMP
!undef _TMP2
!if `_TMP` != ""
!searchparse /ignorecase /noerrors `${_TMP}` '' _TMP2 "|" _TMP
!undef _TMP2
!undef _TMP

>## User Defined MAcro
!macro _DoStuff _Params
${MacroParams} "_Param1|_Param2|_Param3" `${_Params}`

DetailPrint "###### Param Test ######"
DetailPrint " P1 = ${_Param1}"
DetailPrint " P2 = ${_Param2}"
DetailPrint " P3 = ${_Param3}"
DetailPrint ""

${MacroClean} "_Param1|_Param2|_Param3"
>!define DoStuff `!insertmacro _DoStuff`

>## Example
Section Example

${DoStuff} "Hello|There|World"
${DoStuff} "Hello||World"
${DoStuff} "Hello|World"
${DoStuff} "Hello World"
${DoStuff} "||Hello World"

Still more to do but I have to quit for tinkering for awhile.

  Aight, enough tinkering for tonight.

I turned it into an include header and cleaned it up a bit.

Play around with it and let me know if you have any issues or suggestions.



!include MightyMacro.nsh

OutFile MightyMacroDemo.exe

## User Defined Macro Example
!macro _HelloWorld _Values
!define _Parameters "_Index|_Param1|_Param2|_Param3"
${MacroParams} ${_Parameters} `${_Values}`

DetailPrint "###### Param Test ${_Index} ######"
DetailPrint " _Values = ${_Values}"
DetailPrint " _Param1 = ${_Param1}"
DetailPrint " _Param2 = ${_Param2}"
DetailPrint " _Param3 = ${_Param3}"
DetailPrint ""

${MacroClean} ${_Parameters}
!undef _Parameters
!define HelloWorld `!insertmacro _HelloWorld`

## Execution Example
Section Example

${HelloWorld} "1|Hello|There|World"
${HelloWorld} "2|Hello||World"
${HelloWorld} "3|Hello|World"
${HelloWorld} "4|Hello World"
${HelloWorld} "5|||Hello World"


>!ifndef __MightyMacro__
>!define __MightyMacro__

>!ifndef MightyMacroDelimiter
!define MightyMacroDelimiter "|"

>## Macro Parameter Helper
!define MacroParams "!insertmacro _MacroParams"
!macro _MacroParams _ParamNames _Values
!searchreplace _TMP `${_ParamNames}` "${MightyMacroDelimiter}" " '${MightyMacroDelimiter}' "
!searchparse /noerrors `${_Values}` '' ${_TMP}
!undef _TMP

>## Macro used to undefine trailing parameter names within the _MacroClean Macro
!macro _MacroClean_
!if `${_ParamNames}` != ""
!searchparse /ignorecase /noerrors `${_ParamNames}` '' _TMP "${MightyMacroDelimiter}" _ParamNames
!ifdef "${_TMP}"
!undef ${_TMP}
!undef _TMP

>## MacroClean - Use to cleanup the defined parameters temporarily created
!define MacroClean "!insertmacro _MacroClean"
!macro _MacroClean _ParamNames
## Macro used to undefine trailing parameter names
!define _MacroClean_ "!insertmacro _MacroClean_"

## Undefine Parameter names ***91;20 parameters "Should" be adiquate

## One last check, then issue a warning if more paramters are found.
!if `${_ParamNames}` != ""
!warning "Parrent macro has more than 20 parameters! This may cause define errors!"

## Final Cleanup
!undef _MacroClean_
!undef _ParamNames

Sample Output of Demo
###### Param Test 1 ######
_Values = 1|Hello|There|World
_Param1 = Hello
_Param2 = There
_Param3 = World

###### Param Test 2 ######
_Values = 2|Hello||World
_Param1 = Hello
_Param2 =
_Param3 = World

###### Param Test 3 ######
_Values = 3|Hello|World
_Param1 = Hello
_Param2 = World
_Param3 =

###### Param Test 4 ######
_Values = 4|Hello World
_Param1 = Hello World
_Param2 =
_Param3 =

###### Param Test 5 ######
_Values = 5|||Hello World
_Param1 =
_Param2 =
_Param3 = Hello World


I also placed this on the Wiki:

Thanks for your great work! :)
For now, I've solved my problem differntly, so that I will have a detailed look on your solution later.

Thanks again!! :)