Archive: bz2 decompression?

bz2 decompression?
How do I decompress a .bz2 file in my installer?

I want to download and "unzip" a .bz2 file from the collection at [1]. Downloading works, but the bz2 file causes me some headaches :-)

I've searched the NSIS docs and plugins, what comes closest is the UnTGZ Plugin [2]. I've tried it, but it only seems to be able to decompress tarred bz2 files (aka .tar.bz2), but not simply the content from plain bz2 files.

Maybe I'm missing something obvious, as I can't believe this is the first time someone tries to decompress bz2 files :-)

Regards, ULFL


You could of course use rar.exe, the commandline tool. Also you can call unrar.dll through the system plugin, but I never figured out how to make that work. If I remember correctly, I was unable to find documentation for the dll...

I did use the Japanese unlha32.dll (through the system plugin), which is relatively well documented even in English. That worked pretty nicely, but I have no idea whether or not it supports bz2.