Archive: Strange error message.

Strange error message.
Hello, I get this message in a pop up window whenever I try to install Dragon Age, which uses the NSIS 2.34 installer.

"Bad Start Menu value. Too short."

It happens during the "Select a Start Menu folder:" window, right after I click "Next >"

I'm almost certain it's because I try to install the application sandboxed, as I do with almost all my apps, to avoid any leftover clutter after I remove it later. I use Sandboxie for this.

My question is what the error message above actually means. I've tried giving the installer full access to the start menu paths but get the same message. I've tried a variety of names and had no success either.

I've searched with google and also used the various searches here and in the wiki and found nothing about the error. If I knew what exactly it means and why it's generated, I might be able to come up with a workaround.

Thank you.

Could that message come from some kind of script you are using? I don't think NSIS itself has any limits on short paths

It's the first time I've seen that message and I've installed various applications and games hundreds of times now.
Granted, it might be they customized the installer script, so it's non standard.

I also get the error even if I elect to have no start menu created.

If anyone can confirm whether the error message above is actually part of NSIS or not, it would be a big step forward :)

You said you used Sandboxie, that really alters the way windows works so you might want to give it a go without it.

As far as figuring out if the installer has customized stuff, there is not much you can do. You can check in %temp%\ns???? while the installer is running to see a list of plugins used, but no real way to check the inner workings of the installer if they have some sort of path checking

I checked the temp directories and there were indeed several plugins used. Unfortunately I have no real expereience with them so it does me little good.

Thank you anyway for your help :)

Edit: I upgraded to the latest version of sandboxie and installed without a hitch. I don't know if it's the upgrade that did it or some other factor, but at least everything works now.